September Tournament Winners
29 September 2019Here are the results of the Yeovil Badminton Club Junior Tournament held on 28 September 2019.

Jane Lipton of Yeovil Badminton Club Receives the Chaplain Cup
11 June 2018Jane Lipton of Yeovil Badminton Club has received the Chaplain Cup for 2018. The Cup is named after Chris Chaplain a player who died of cancer years ago and is presented to people who have made a significant contribution to Badminton in this area. Jane's contribution has been to help acquire funding for the refurbishment of Westlands Sports & Fitness Club from Badminton England. Congratulations!

Yeovil Table Tennis Club Challenge Yeovil Badminton Club
03 June 2018Yeovil Badminton club challenged the Yeovil Table Tennis club to play Badminton. So they challenged us to play Table Tennis! It was an interesting and fun evening. Now we know how to hold the bat, spin a forehand and score a game. Many thanks to Gill Thorne and the rest of the Table Tennis players from Yeovil Table Tennis for hosting us.
We will challenge you again next year, won't we Ben Lipton, Chris Collins, Will Cameron, Steph Lipton, Colleen Young and Luke Barrett?!

Yeovil Squash Club Challenge Yeovil Badminton Club
03 June 2018Yeovil Badminton club also challenged Yeovil Squash Club to play Badminton. So naturally they challenged us to play Squash. We now know how to score, hit a backhand and not hit the wall!
Many thanks to Mark Pepper and the rest of the Yeovil Squash players for hosting us. We will challenge you again next year, won’t we Ben Lipton, Colleen Young, Steph Lipton and Luke Barrett?!

Yeovil Badminton Club, Double Champions in West Dorset Mixed Leagues
08 May 2018Congratulations to West Dorset Mixed League Team A for winning the West Dorset Division 1 and Team B for winning the West Dorset Division 2.
Now you have to go to the West Dorset Presentation Evening on Saturday 12th May at Cerne Abbas Village Hall to collect your trophies!
Well done to all the players.

Somerset O55's, Division 1 Inter County Tournament Runners up.
12 February 2018Here are the Somerset O55's who played in the Inter County Tournament held in Eastleigh in Southampton on the weekend of 13th and 14th January. How many Yeovil Badminton Club members can you spot?

CRY holding ECG screening clinics for those aged 14 to 35 at a number of established locations around the UK
05 February 2018CRY holds ECG screening clinics for those aged 14 to 35 at a number of established locations around the UK including Belfast, Cardiff and London. The CRY mobile screening unit facilitates various screening events at other locations in the UK – often organised by CRY supporters.

Race for Life 5k is now coming to Yeovil on Sunday 17th June and will be held at Yeovil College.
24 January 2018Put #RaceforLife on your 2018 goals list! Sign up in January using the code to get 30% off adult entry. You’ve got this.

Improvers v Seasons
05 December 2017A YBC Improvers v Seasons match which was held on Sunday 3rd December at Gryphon. Our Improvers lost overall but gained valuable playing experience. They all enjoyed the games and thanked Seasons for their friendly competitiveness.

Junior Singles Tournament
04 December 2017Yeovil Badminton Club and South Somerset Community Badminton Network ran a Junior Singles Tournament on Sunday November 19th at Westlands Sports & Fitness Club. There were 3 age groups: U13, U15 and U17. All matches were played best of 3 to 21.

YBC Levels tournament
25 October 2017The first annual Level doubles tournament took place on 23rd October. The men's tournament had 14 entries & sadly there were only 2 on the womens' side so they were incorporated into the men's tournament.

YBC Win KO match against Wessex Wanderers
19 October 2017Well done to the Club members that played in the preliminary round of the Knockout Handicap match against Wessex Wanderers on Thursday 19th October.

Yeovil Badminton Club players success at the Somerset Restricted.
01 October 2017The 30th Annual Somerset Badminton Restricted Tournament was held on Saturday 30th September with 7 entries from Yeovil Badminton Club. In the Mens Singles 4 out of the 8 Quarter finalists were YBC players. In the Mens Doubles 4 out of the 8 Semi-finalists were YBC players.

Badminton Court Etiquette
27 September 2017All sports have their own specific etiquette. The dictionary definition of ‘etiquette’ is: the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

5 Top Tips for Captains of Yeovil Badminton Club
25 August 2017There are many important things to be mindful of as a Captain and it's not just about fixture dates and trying to win. Here are a few key pointers I've picked over up the past 5 seasons to hopefully help you with your new or continued role.